Sunday, 29 July 2007



Last night I went to one of the shitest clubs I have ever had the misfortune to prop up! The night didn’t start well when I went round my girlfriend’s and was told we had to go straight away as we were meeting people in Lowestoft and we were then going somewhere else. I knew we were going to a pub but I didn’t know about the club after. I really like this pub; it plays cool music and seems pretty chilled out. So I was hoping to stay there and grab some food later.

So my nose was put out of joint straight away but I sucked it in, as a man has to do, cause I hate suprises and stuff (especially when I'm havin to drive and work out where to park.)

So we turn up and the fuckers aren’t there, so I drive 'like a kid without a dad' to get there and they don’t arrive till a while later! Utter cum-gullets, they’d told her to rush!

Later we go to this shithole ‘BLUENOTES’ and they charge £4 to get in, now I come from the old school of a pub is free to get in and has music that you can choose and a nightclubs generally play utter shite. I used to pay £2 to get into clubs when I was young and I liked the music and enjoyed the night, but I was also totally off my tits on booze and was trying to pull women. Now I can’t drink, cause I’m driving and I’ve got a lovely girl.

And I was right the club was shit, and I left and met up with my missus later. But I won’t go into that cause that was all arse about face trying to meet up with someone without their phone on them. Christ knows how I coped as a kid without a phone; people must have died back then.

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